Are Your Cannabis Customers Having a Hard Time Reading Your Dispensary Menus?

Here at BudSense, we make selling weed easy for cannabis dispensaries.

This also means we make buying weed easy for your cannabis customers who enter your dispensary.

This is why we want to help you, as a cannabis retailer, best merchandise your cannabis products to create an amazing customer experience. We want to help make your dispensary menus as comprehensible and readable as possible.

If your cannabis customers are making these faces ⬆️ when scanning your dispensary menus, below are some questions you’ll want to ask yourself.

Are there too many products displayed on your digital screen?

Sometimes less is more.

By having too many products displayed on your cannabis menus, it can be difficult for your customers to make a quick purchasing decision. Your customers may feel overwhelmed by the number of products to choose from. With BudSense, you have the ability to limit the amount of product you want to show on your dispensary menus with the Product Row Count Feature.

Is the font size too small on your dispensary menu?

No menu should require a magnifying glass to view the cannabis products listed or look like the last level of an eye exam. With BudSense, you have the ability to adjust and customize the font size on your dispensary menus so your menus are easy to read.

Are your dispensary menus scrolling too fast?

One way to show more products on your cannabis menu is to use the Scrolling Menu Feature on BudSense. Though Scrolling Menus are great for showing more products, you’ll want to be careful about managing the scrolling speed of the menu. If the menu is scrolling too fast, it may be distracting and hard to read.

Is there too much product information being shown?

On a cannabis menu, you have the ability to show your cannabis product’s size, weight, cannabinoid amount, price, effects, flavour, terpenes and more!

Just because you can show all this information on your dispensary menu, doesn’t mean you should. It might seem like the more information the better, but this is almost never the case. When cannabis menus get too bloated they become challenging for customers to interact with and oftentimes the information gets ignored. Simple, streamlined menus are appealing to customers and do a better job of encouraging purchasing decisions.

With BudSense’s Dynamic columns feature, you can tune your menu to only display the most valuable information and hide unnecessary information.

Is your dispensary TV too small?

At BudSense, we’ve found 42-inch TVs to be the most commonly used. The 42-inch TV is a nice great size for menu readability. Anything above 42 inches will also work, just be mindful of how much space you have to work with. A bigger TV doesn’t always mean you can fit more content on it, the resolution is still the same.

Is your dispensary TV in the wrong spot?

Location! Location! Location!

In your cannabis dispensary, you’ll want to place your TV in a location that makes it easy for your customers to read. Where you place your TV is highly dependent on your cannabis store’s layout. We often see customers placing a bank of TVs on the sales floor, distributing TVs throughout the store or putting TVs behind the counter.

Are there not enough TVs in your dispensary?

The more TVs you have in your cannabis dispensary, the more flexibility you will have to run promotions, expand your cannabis product offering, and ensure that you keep scrolling cannabis tv menus to a minimum. If your cannabis dispensary offers a large number of product offerings, you may want to consider getting more TVs so you can merchandise more products at once.

Should you be using paper menus instead?

Another option for showing more of your product inventory is having paper menus in your store.

With paper menus, you’re not limited to a certain number of products you can show. You can print as many menus for as many categories with as much or as little information as you wish. For cannabis shops looking to push the upper limits of cannabis products, paper menus, or at least a combination of digital and paper make for a great customer experience.

As a cannabis retailer, aside from selling weed, your goal should be to create an amazing customer experience. You want your customers to feel happy and satisfied leaving your store so they will want to come back. We know creating an optimal customer experience is no easy feat, which is why we’re here to help you best merchandise cannabis so you can sell more weed.

If you’d like some help configuring your menus, as always you can reach out to our live support or schedule a video call. We’re always eager to help!


Is the Font Size Too Small on Your Dispensary Menu?


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